Crippled, Injured, Sick, and Tortured Birds: Eyewitness Investigations Expose Kentucky Fried Cruelty Worldwide
“[KFC] never had any meetings. They never asked any advice, and then they touted to the press that they had this animal-welfare advisory committee. I felt like I was being used.”
—Dr. Adele Douglass, former animal welfare advisor to KFC, Chicago Tribune
Every time PETA looks into KFC's suppliers, we find hideous abuse and suffering. At one KFC “Supplier of the Year” slaughterhouse in West Virginia, workers were caught tearing birds' heads off, ripping them apart, spitting tobacco into their eyes, spray-painting their faces, and throwing them against walls—all while the birds were still conscious and able to feel pain. This is in stark contrast to KFC's claim that it “only deal[s] with suppliers who promise to maintain our high standards and commitment to animal welfare.”
Some of the largest and most respected newspapers in the United States, Canada, Europe, and Australia have written scathing editorials decrying the conditions at these facilities, and consumers are ditching meat in droves as they learn about the hideous ways in which chickens are abused.
In the United States
Tyson’s Dirty Deeds Exposed During New Eyewitness Investigation A PETA investigation into two Tyson Foods plants exposes disgusting conditions that the KFC supplier does not want you to see.
A PETA eyewitness investigation at a Missouri slaughterhouse owned by KFC “Supplier of the Year” George's, Inc. documented that live birds were being thrown by workers, scalded alive, and injured by broken transport cages.
Workers at a former KFC “Supplier of the Year” slaughterhouse in West Virginia were caught tearing birds apart, spitting tobacco into their eyes, spray-painting their faces, stomping on them, and throwing them against walls—all while the birds were still conscious.
A whistleblower at a Tyson slaughterhouse testified that birds were intentionally scalded to death and blown apart by makeshift firecrackers and that their legs were broken by workers to fit them into slaughter-line shackles. Tyson is a KFC supplier.
A PETA investigation found workers who were ripping live animals’ heads off and shoddy, outdated slaughter machines cutting open birds’ legs, wings, and chest cavities at this Tyson plant in Alabama.
KFC United Kingdom exposed! Journalist Martin Coutts wrote a scathing article for the Sunday Mirror—one of the largest newspapers in the world, with nearly 5 million readers—that detailed a lengthy eyewitness investigation conducted at one of KFC’s largest U.K. suppliers: “Distressed and Dying in a Cramped Shed … Nobody Does Chicken Like KFC,” announced the headline.
KFC Australia exposed! Crippled birds were found among the corpses of other animals in barren, windowless sheds during an eyewitness investigation into KFC supplier Ingham’s. See the rescue of 20 chickens by Animal Liberation Victoria from a KFC supplier outside Melbourne.
KFC New Zealand exposed! A group of New Zealand activists went to a KFC supplier farm and found crippled chickens everywhere, including those who had slowly died of dehydration after their crippled condition left them unable to reach water. Five chickens were rescued.
KFC Germany exposed! Investigators at this KFC supplier in Germany found 38,000 chickens who were forced to live in a crowded barn covered in their own excrement and were given steady doses of antibiotics to keep them alive through conditions so filthy that the birds would have otherwise died.
KFC India exposed! An eyewitness investigation of a KFC supplier in India found chickens stuffed into extremely crowded warehouses littered with chicken carcasses, birds immobilized by crippling leg deformities caused by cruel breeding practices, sick and injured chickens who never received medical attention, and chickens suffering at the hands of callous workers who neglected to observe even minimal standards of animal welfare.